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Wellness Blog

Tips To Feel Your Best In Kapha Season: Break Through Winter Stagnation
Life is lived in cycles. We see this in the changing of seasons, the human life journey, animal routines, and the phases of the moon....

A Guide To Managing Anxiety With Ayurveda
Anxiety has steadily increased in modern society, and the current state of the world certainly isn’t helping. According to the Anxiety...

The Benefits & How-To of Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Self Massage
The skin is the body’s largest organ and one that we often neglect. Though the health of our skin is often impacted by what we put into ...

Why Is Skin Health So Important? Understanding Your Skin Type In Ayurveda
We tend to place a lot of value on skin appearance in our society. There are endless solutions, products, and facemask recipes available...

What Are the Six Tastes In Ayurveda?
Taste holds a very different meaning in Ayurveda than it does in the West. Ayurveda teaches that the taste of a particular food, spice,...

What is Agni? Tips to Strengthen Your Digestive Fire
Ayurveda teaches that each individual is a microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning we are each an embodiment of the universe as a whole. The...

Exploring the Benefits and Properties of Neem & Coconut Oil
Neem and coconut oil are celebrated remedies for balancing pitta dosha . Since pitta is dominant in the summer months, neem and coconut...

Dosha 101: Vata, Pitta, Kapha Explained
Everything in nature follows the embedded rhythm and laws of the universe. This is perhaps most obvious in the changing of seasons, which...

Understanding Pitta: The Energy Governing Transformation, Metabolism, & Temperature
The concept of doshas is foundational in the teachings of Ayurveda. Put simply, doshas are energies within the body that influence how...

Ayurveda on Pain & Inflammation
In the last twenty plus years, Western society has witnessed a stark increase in inflammatory diseases (an umbrella term to refer to...

Exploring the Benefits and Properties of Ashwagandha and Ghee
Ashwagandha and ghee are both powerful superfoods that have been used and revered for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Used together or...

Understanding Vata: the Energy Governing Creativity, Mobility, and Change
The concept of doshas is foundational in the teachings of Ayurveda. Put simply, doshas are energies within the body that influence how...

How Can Ayurveda Help With Allergies?
Oh, allergies! Many of us experience them at some point in our lives, especially in spring and early summer, and they never arrive...

How Healthy Digestion Supports the Immune System
Ayurveda considers strong digestion to be the foundation of one’s overall health. Optimal wellness is experienced when a variety of...

Dry Brushing and Self Massage
How Dry Brushing and Self-Massage help move toxins and improve elimination Self-massage (abhyanga) and dry brushing (garshuna) are...

What is Ama?
The Importance of a gentle, detoxifying Spring Cleanse Ah, it’s springtime. The air is warming, the plants are blooming, the birds are...

Yoga, Ayurveda and Lung Health
Yoga as the Sister Science of Ayurveda; Kapha Series for Lung Health Yoga and Ayurveda can be thought of as two branches that are...

Understanding Kapha
The Energy governing Structure, Cohesion, Stability Ayurveda is founded on the belief that everyone and everything is composed of a...

The Best Boost
How Ayurveda Strengthens Our Immune System The prevalence of Coronavirus is reminding many of us just how grateful we are for our immune...

Dosha Wisdom
VATA DOSHA VATA consists of AIR and ETHER. VATA is the primary dosha, which is responsible for movement and communication, and regulates...
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