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Wellness Blog

What Are the Six Tastes In Ayurveda?
Taste holds a very different meaning in Ayurveda than it does in the West. Ayurveda teaches that the taste of a particular food, spice,...

Yoga Discipline Through Sun Salutations and Mantra
Discipline on the Yoga Path The spiritual path requires self-discipline, also referred to as tapas in Sanskrit . Meaning “to heat or burn...

Tapas: Mental Discipline, Creating Routine and Structure in Life
How many times have you or someone you’ve known been so excited to integrate change in your life just to find yourself back in the same...

What is Agni? Tips to Strengthen Your Digestive Fire
Ayurveda teaches that each individual is a microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning we are each an embodiment of the universe as a whole. The...

Yoga Series to Cool the Body, Gentle Twists, & Cooling Pranayama
Whether you’re looking to cool down or simply nourish your emotional, mental, and physical body, yoga and pranayama offer a number of...

Exploring the Benefits and Properties of Neem & Coconut Oil
Neem and coconut oil are celebrated remedies for balancing pitta dosha . Since pitta is dominant in the summer months, neem and coconut...
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